
Work Experience

Selected experience on Data Science

Universidade Federal de Viçosa | 2018-ongoing

Assistant Professor. Full time

  • Design, collect, and analyze data of an A/B test using a 2x2 cross-over experiment. DOI: 10.1590/0102-311X00151318
  • Process and analyze data of a survey on health services demand for addiction treatment in Sao Paulo. DOI:
  • Scrape and analyze data of Google Play using text-mining techniques. Link to Github.

Zetta Health Analytics | 2020-ongoing

Scientific advisor on research design, data analysis, and machine learning.


  • Cluster health beneficiaries from a major car manufacturer in Brazil.
  • Predict high-cost users of a sample of health workers using machine learning algorithms: generalized linear models, random forest, Catboost, C5.0.
  • Predict cases and deaths of COVID-19 at city and state levels using epidemiological models. Link:


  • Introduction to statistics using R and PowerBI for health data analysts
  • Introductory course to Python for health data analysis: Link to Github

Case Group - Health Insurance Brokers | 2017-2018

Data Scientist. Full time remote.

  • Automate validation process of medical claims using supervised methods, saving hours of manual classification made by physicians.
  • Classifying high-risk pregnancies using health claims. This project won a contract for a top health insurance plan in Brazil.

Organization of American States | 2017

Researcher. Part-time.

  • Design survey, collect and analyze data for the project “Screening, Brief, Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Substances in America”. Link to Github.


Ph.D. in Psychology | 2015-2017

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora / University of Kansas Medical Center

Dissertation: Live without Tobacco - User characteristics of a Web-based Intervention for Smoking Cessation.

Keywords: Exploratory Data Analysis, Multiple Regression, Multiple Imputation.

MSc. in Psychology | 2013 - 2014

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Dissertation: Development of an Open-source Web-based Intervention for Brazilian Smokers - Viva sem Tabaco.

Certifications and Coursework

IBM AI Engineering Professional Certificate | 2020 Coursera - IBM

AI for Medicine Specialization (

Computing for Data Science (Coursera)